Thursday, June 4, 2020

Knife Attack in China a man attacks children and Staff in a school inured 40 innocents

China: 39 students, staff of primary school injured in knife attack; security guard detained

At least 39 Students and Staff members at a primary school in China were injured in a knife attack on Thursday, Global Times reported. The motive of the attack is still unclear.

The incident took place around 8.30 am at the Wangfu County Center Primary School in South China’s Guangxi Zhuang autonomous region.

The accused was identified as Li Xiaomin, a 50-year-old security guard at the school. The police have detained him.

Eight ambulances were at the spot and the injured were taken to hospitals, an emergency report issued by the local government said. The publicity department of the Cangwu county government that administers the Wangfu township said that authorities were focusing on treating the injured victims.

Cangwu government said that of the 39 attacked, two were severely injured. Videos posted on social media showed injured children being brought out of a health center.

In September 2019, a 40-year-old man killed eight students and injured two others at an elementary school in Central China.

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