Tuesday, June 30, 2020

6 Steps warning if U have Diabetics?Avoid these things

Patients with diabetes should not do these 6 things

According to scientific information and medical research, the main importance in the treatment of diabetes is to change their lifestyle (Vitality) in a positive way. You can live a full life by controlling your sugar levels. Here are 6 things diabetics don't want to do:

2. The desire to control sugar at all times

In order to keep sugar under control at all times, the patient limits his life to his caste and carelessness. In diabetes, it is neither necessary nor possible to keep the blood sugar level at a perfectly normal level. It does not cause any more pain. Ordinary doctors are not aware of the latest information about this disease so they are not able to guide their patient properly.

1. Avoid diabetes medications

Many people are very careful in their use of diabetes medications for fear of gaining weight. Some diabetes medications reduce the amount of sugar in the blood and increase appetite, which can lead to weight gain. If you follow the advice of and continue to use the medicine, you can overcome these problems.

2. Avoid fruits

Diabetics are also careful to eat fruits, although they can eat any one fruit throughout the day, except bananas, chicory, mangoes and dates. Because they are high in sugar, you can eat these fruits during the berry season. You can also take a little bit of berries after that. The sweetness found in fruits increases your energy and does not harm you like normal sugar.
1. Avoid favorite foods
Being diabetic does not mean that you can no longer eat your favorite foods. The fact is that you can eat everything in moderation. When you eat the food of your choice, you just have to make sure that these foods contain sugar. And eat less of it according to the amount of fat.

1. Do not exercise

Exercise lowers blood sugar, which is why many people think that exercise should not be done. The fact is that physical exertion pulls the muscles to the blood glucose. This gives insulin a chance to work better. Get it

3. Put the insulin in the refrigerator after opening

When you are using insulin, it is not necessary to keep it in the refrigerator after opening it. Standard insulin products use ingredients that do not allow it to spoil. After opening the insulin bottle, you can use it at room temperature. If the insulin gets too hot or too cold, it may lose its potency. It may even be ineffective.

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