Baba Ramdev has been criticized in the past for making such loud claims and has faced legal action. The federal government says Babaram Dev did not seek permission before bringing the drug to market, the Uttarakhand state government says it did not give him any license to manufacture Corona medicine and the Rajasthan government announces to file a case. He said that yoga gurus have committed fraud by trying drugs on human beings without permission.

At a time when many countries around the world and huge companies are working day and night to develop effective drugs for the treatment of Covid -19 to combat the global Corona virus epidemic, billions of rupees are being spent in India. There was an uproar across India on Tuesday, June 23, when yoga guru Baba Ramdev, who trades in Ayurvedic medicines, presented an allegedly effective Ayurvedic medicine for the treatment of corona virus during a press conference. Some nationalist Hindus even tried to link it with the greatness of Hinduism and the thousands of years old scholarly tradition.
Baba Ramdev claimed that the Corona Kit, consisting of Coronal Tablet, Sosari Vati and Ano Tala, had 100% positive results in a clinical trial on patients with Code 19. He claimed that his clinical trials were conducted in Delhi, Ahmedabad, Performed in Meerut and other cities. During this time, 69% of the patients recovered in just three days while 100% of the patients recovered in seven days.
The Ministry of Ayush, which promotes indigenous therapies in India, ordered the submission of all details in support of Baba Ramdev's claim and immediately banned the advertisement of the drug. He further added that he had no knowledge of the facts and scientific study of the claims regarding the drug.
Baba Ramdev is considered close to Prime Minister Narendra Modi and the ruling Bharatiya Janata Party.
On the other hand, the Ministry of Ayush in the state of Uttarakhand, where Patanjali Ayurveda Limited is located, said that Patanjali was not given any license to develop a cure for the corona virus. They are only allowed to develop immunity and develop mild fever medicine. The ministry further said that an explanation has been sought from Patanjali Ayurveda and if the government is not satisfied with its response, its existing license could be revoked. The ministry also banned any advertising of the drug.

The Congress government in Rajasthan termed Baba Ramdev's claim to have invented the drug Corona as a fraud. Rajasthan Health Minister Raghu Sharma said that even in times of epidemic, the way Baba Ramdev has tried to sell medicine in the name of Corona is not a good thing. He said that Baba Ramdev should have first sought permission from the Indian Council of Medical Research and the Rajasthan government to try Ayurvedic medicine but he has violated the law by not doing so. And therefore, legal action will be taken against them.
In the midst of all these objections, Baba Ramdev, while issuing an explanation, said that he had conducted clinical tests on 120 patients in whom the symptoms of corona virus were very mild and their age was between 15 to 80 years.
Remember that Baba Ramdev has been making loud claims about his medicines in the past as well. A few years ago, he claimed about one of his medicines that a woman can become a mother by eating it. He faced legal action following the claim. More than 100 different cases are pending against Prime Minister Narendra Modi and Baba Ramdev, who is considered close to the ruling Bharatiya Janata Party.
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