Monday, June 29, 2020

Suspiciousؒ Licenses Matter: Vietnam Grounds Pakistani Pilots

The Vietnam Aviation Authority says it has grounded all Pakistani pilots for local airlines over concerns over global regulators holding "suspicious licenses" for pilots.

The matter came to the notice of international organizations after Aviation Minister Ghulam Sarwar Khan announced suspicious licenses of 150 pilots of national airlines in the National Assembly.

Last week, the International Air Transport Association (IATA) expressed concern over "serious errors in licensing and safety oversight by the aviation regulator."
The Civil Aviation Authority of Vietnam (CAAV) said in a statement on Monday that the head of its agency had ordered the suspension of all Pakistani pilots working for Vietnamese Airlines.

The statement said the suspension of Pakistani pilots would take effect until further notice and the authority was in talks with Pakistani authorities to review the pilots' profiles.

According to the CAAV, Vietnam had issued licenses to 27 Pakistani pilots and 12 of them were still performing their duties while the contracts of the other 15 pilots had expired or were inactive.

Of the 12 active pilots, 11 budget airlines were working for Viet Jet Aviation and one Jet Star was working for Pacific, the national airline of Vietnam.

The CAAV said Vietnam Airlines and Bamboo Airways were not hiring Pakistani pilots.
According to CAAV, Vietnamese airlines currently have 1,260 pilots, half of whom are foreign nationals.

On the Sri Lankan side, the UAE said it would not allow passengers from Pakistan to enter the country from June 29 (today) until a special Coveid 19 lab was set up to test them.

The UAE's General Civil Aviation Authority said the decision also applies to transit flights from Pakistan.

It should be noted that Dubai's state-owned airline Emirates had already announced that it was suspending flights from Pakistan from June 24.

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