Sunday, June 28, 2020

 How Useful is  daily sexual intimacy?

According to a study, daily sexual intercourse helps to improve the quality of sperm in men, which makes the fertilization of the ovaries relatively easier.

This was discovered when a study asked men who were having difficulty becoming fathers to ejaculate on a daily basis. After a week of this process, it was found that the DNA damage was less in the sperm samples obtained from these individuals. Speaking at a conference on fertility, the Australian researcher said that his general advice for couples who want to have children is to have sex every second or third day.

Preliminary researc has shownn promising results
Dr. David Greening of Sydney, Australia, said that eight out of ten men who took part in the study showed a 12 per cent reduction in DNA damage in their sperm.
Although the total number of sperm or seeds dropped from 180 million to only 70 million a week after this process, this number is still sufficient for fertility.
It was also observed that the newly formed sperm or sperm were more active and active.

This led to the idea that the longer the sperm remained in the testicles, the more likely they were to have DNA damage and that the heat from the testicles would make them cheaper.

However, Dr. Greening warns that if daily sexual intercourse is continued for a long period of time, such as two weeks, the number of sperm in the sperm may fall below the required threshold for fertility. However, it is more useful to continue this process when a woman's menstrual cycle (usually twelve to sixteen days) turns into an egg or ovum and travels to the uterus. Dr. Greening says the river should keep flowing

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