Sunday, June 28, 2020

Eggs, fish and meat are good for the brain.Alzheimer's Cure Please read and share

Eggs, fish, green leafy vegetables and a ingredient found in meat can help prevent Alzheimer's disease, according to a US medical study.

Research from Arizona State University found that these foods are rich in collagen, a brain-enhancing ingredient that protects the brain from neurotoxins and strengthens the cleansing process.
Experiments on rats during the study found that when pregnant rats were fed a diet rich in choline, their risk of Alzheimer's disease decreased.

But the important thing is that overuse of this component causes changes in the genes of mice that transmit this protective effect to future generations.
Scientists around the world are working to prevent the spread of Alzheimer's disease because there is currently no cure for it, while treatment to prevent its effects is limited.

Researchers have found that overuse of this ingredient improves the memory of future generations, which shows how important the eating habits of parents and grandparents are for children's health.
The results of the study, published in the medical journal Molecular Psychiatry, suggest that the use of choline supplements may be recommended for future pregnant women.
Researchers say it could be used as a medicine to treat Alzheimer's disease.

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