but in the United States, a swarm of 120,000 bees on the naked delicate body of a woman took everyone by surprise. Is. What is the secret in the body of a woman that an army of bees is clinging to her. Surprisingly, even this American woman does not care about bees pinching her body because her body has an extraordinary ability to withstand stings.
According to Al-Arabiya.net, the mysterious woman is 44-year-old Sara Mapelli from the American city of Oregon. In 2001, this amazing woman discovered that even the most delicate parts of her body have an extraordinary ability to withstand the movement of bees. As a test, he tried to test himself by approaching a hive of bees in the city, and as he watched, thousands of bees clung to her body as if it were her beehive. Be
"My body's ability to tolerate bees is a natural process," Maple wrote on the Pani website. Maybe there is a 'spiritual' connection between me and the bees because the bees dance around my body after clinging to me, but it doesn't bother me at all. "
"I used to feel like a hive of bees, when the bees really clung to my body and made my idea come true, I spread them all over my body and made a guess," says Sara Mapelli. At one time there were more than 120,000 bees on my body.
Sara Mapellireveals the secret of bees clinging to her body and writes that she finds perfumed oil on her body like "honey workers". It is an oil that contains a hundred different fragrances, after which the bees cling to my body like crazy. Sometimes they play on my body for two hours like this. When I get tired, I try to get rid of them or jump with the help of someone close to me.
As long as the bees stay on my body, they sting me. Once the bees are gone, their stinging hooks are cleaned with a soft brush all over the body. The most painful sting is a small bee sting that usually sticks to the armpits, hair, breasts, and chin, she said.
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