17 Foods that can help to control Diabetics.
The Foods that are very useful for the patients who are suffering from Diabetics if they use them properly they can curb there disease without much use of medicines. This article is not meant to stop the use of medicine
This is just to improve the immune system and provide natural curb
Cinnamon is a spice that is made from the inner bark of trees scientifically known as Cinnamomum.
It has been used as an ingredient throughout history, dating back as far as Ancient Egypt. It used to be rare and valuable and was regarded as a gift fit for kings.
These days, cinnamon is cheap, available in every supermarket and found as an ingredient in various foods and recipes.
There are two main types of Cinnamon - Ceylon cinnamon: Also known as "true" cinnamon.
- Cassia cinnamon: The more common variety today and what people generally refer to as "cinnamon."
Cinnamon is made by cutting the stems of cinnamon trees. The inner bark is then extracted and the woody parts removed.
When it dries, it forms strips that curl into rolls, called cinnamon sticks. These sticks can be ground to form cinnamon powder.
The distinct smell and flavor of cinnamon are due to the oily part, which is very high in the compound cinnamaldehyde
Scientists believe that this compound is responsible for most of cinnamon's powerful effects on health and metabolism

A study from 2018 suggests that regularly eating eggs could improve fasting blood glucose in people with prediabetes or type 2 diabetes. The researchers here suggest that eating one egg per day could reduce a person's risk of diabetes.
But in the U.S., guidelines recommend cholesterol be limited to less than 300 milligrams per day for healthy people -- and one egg has about 200 milligrams of cholesterol. Those guidelines also suggest that people with type 2 stick to less than four eggs per week.
3} Turmeric.
Consuming turmeric root extract can help in reducing insulin resistance that leads to rise in blood sugar levels. It also improves the functioning of beta cells, which are beneficial for diabetes.
The research is reasonably clear regarding curcumin's powerful anti-inflammatory properties and its ability to improve insulin sensitivity and cholesterol. Effective doses appear to range from 1,000 to 2,000 mg per day. It is a staple supplement in my regimen and one I recommend often
4} Broccoli
Broccoli Compound Could Help Treat Type 2 Diabetes. Some people don't like to eat their vegetables, but for obese people with type 2 diabetes, broccoli could hold the key to slowing, and potentially reversing, the disease, according to a new study.
Studies in diabetics have found that broccoli may help lower insulin levels and protect cells from harmful free radicals produced during metabolism ( 69 , 70 ). What's more, broccoli is another good source of lutein and zeaxanthin. These important antioxidants help prevent eye diseases.
5} Strawberries.
Blood sugar: Studies show that eating strawberries, which have a low glycemic index, in quantities of at least 2–3 servings per week can lower the risk of developing Type 2 diabetes. In another study, eating one cup of strawberries along with table sugar reduced the blood glucose spike from the sugar.
Garlic. Garlic has potential to help manage blood sugar. Reports show garlic intake can lower fasting blood glucose, which is your blood sugar level when you haven't eaten. Similar studies also suggest that onions have positive effects on blood sugar levels.
Most adults can safely consume garlic. ... Garlic consumption may also reduce the incidence of heart disease, a condition that affects approximately 80 percent of people with diabetes. A 2006 study found that raw garlic might help reduce blood sugar levels, as well as reduce the risk of atherosclerosis.
7} Shirataki Noodles.
Shirataki Noodles. Shirataki noodles are wonderful for diabetes and weight control. These noodles are high in the fiber glucomannan, which is extracted from konjac root. This plant is grown in Japan and processed into the shape of noodles or rice known as shirataki.
8}Apple Cider Vinegar.
People with type 2 diabetes may want to consider consuming diluted apple vinegar cider, as scientists believe it safe to drink. It may also provide some benefit in terms of helping to control blood sugar levels. However, there is little scientific evidence to support its benefits.
9} Greek Yogurt.
The good news for people with diabetes is that unsweetened Greek yogurt can contain up to twice the protein and half the carbohydrates of regular yogurt. However, whole-milk Greek yogurt can contain almost three times the fat of regular yogurt. Choose low- or nonfat Greek yogurt options if fat is a concern for you.
10} Chia Seeds.
Chia seeds contain more healthy omega-3 fats and fiber than flax or other grain seeds. They are also a good source of protein and antioxidants. Some preliminary research indicates that chia seeds could—I stress the “could”—help people with diabetes control their blood sugar and protect their hearts.
11}Fatty Fish.
Fish and suitability in a diabetic diet
Fish is a good food for people with diabetes. Protein provides some of our energy needs and omega 3 may help our heart health. Low levels of vitamin D are common in people with diabetes, so including fish in the diet is a good way to add to your dietary vitamin D intake.
12}Leafy Greens.
Turns out, that including green and leafy vegetables in your diet may do wonders in keeping blood sugar levels in check as well. ... The study revealed that eating one and one half servings of green leafy vegetables per day reduces the risk of type 2 diabetes by 14%.
13} Nuts.
Why People with Type 2 Diabetes Should Eat Tree Nuts. Researchers say eating almonds, cashews, and other nuts five times a week can improve heart health. If you live with type 2 diabetes, eating nuts five days a week may be just as critical for your long-term well-being as regular exercise and checking your blood sugar .
14}Extra Virgin Olive Oil.
Extra Virgin Olive Oil Also a Cure for Diabetes, Research Suggests. 02 Mar 2016 --- An Italian study found that adding extra virgin olive oil (EVOO) to foods reduces the glycemic index of meals, helping to protect against cardiovascular complications and Type 1 diabetes.
Extra virgin olive oil reduces blood sugar and cholesterol more than other kinds of fats, according to new research. ... The findings were consistent with previous studies, which have linked extra virgin olive oil to higher levels of insulin, making it beneficial to people with type 2 diabetes.
15} Flax Seeds.
According to a study, published in the journal
Plos One, participants with type-2 diabetes,
who took flaxseed lignans for 12 weeks, saw an
improvement in haemoglobin A1c. Some studies
have also claimed that taking about 10-20
grams of flaxseed powder daily helped reduce
blood sugar levels significantly.
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Although there's very little research on
humans, one study found that people with
type 2 diabetes who took an extract
of the winter squash Cucurbita ficifolia
experienced a significant
decrease in blood sugar levels ( 100 ).
However, winter squash is higher in carbs
than summer squash
17}Pine Apple.
Pineapple is a fat-free food rich in
fiber and vitamins.
Fiber is especially important to diabetics
as it can help
to lower blood sugar, reduce cholesterol,
and regulate bowels. In fact, a single,
one-cup serving of fresh pineapple has
an impressive 2.2 grams of fiber with only 78 calories.
Always Remember your Doctor
is the best judge for all your ailments
This article is just for a guideline
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