Thursday, December 13, 2018

The Hindu Rulers of India

Emperor Vikram Samvat -
Great Emperor Vikramaditya of Ujjain had defeated the Sakas , Huns , Kambojs of Afghanistan . His victory over foreign rulers Sakas in 56 BC was his greatest military success. As a result from this year we Hindus followed the Calendar VIkram Samvat which is 57 years ahead of Gregorian Calendar. According to Hindu calendar this year is 2074 !
Emperor Lalitaditya of Karkota Empire -
He was the greatest Emperor of Karkota Empire of Kashmir . During 8th century Emperor Lalitaditya defeated the Arabs badly as a result Arabs could not conquer Kashmir and were forced to retreat! Empire of Lalitaditya included modern day Afghanistan, Paskitan, North India.
Extent of Emperor Lalitaditya during 758 AD.
Bappa Rawal aka Prince Kamboj -
We can consider this brave king as First Ever Indian crusader! He was the ruler of Mewar during 725 AD. After defeating Raja Dahir of Sindh , the Arabs started attacking and looting Indian territories. Bappa Rawal decided to put an end to the Arab invasions as a result he joined hands with other powerful Hindu Kingdoms of India such as the Chalukyas , Gurjar Pratihar rulers and the combined army defeated the Arab Invaders badly in the Battle of Rajasthan in 725 AD . The defeat from the Indian rulers is the reason why Arabs did not attack India for next 300 years!!
Raja Bhoj of Parmar Dynasty-
He was an ideal ruler . He was a great scholar and was loved by his subjects not only this he was one of the most powerful ruler in the Indian subcontinent during 11th century. His capital was Dhar . He fought number of wars with neighboring kingdoms and formed alliance with other kingdoms of central India. Mahmud Ghazni sacked Somnath Temple in the year 1025 AD , learning this Raja Bhoja marched with a huge army to teach Ghazni a lesson . After hearing the news of Raja Bhoja’s march , frightened Ghazni returned to Ghazna immediately . Raja Bhoja rebuilt the Somnath Temple and founded the city of Bhojpur and Bhopal .
5 Hemchandra Vikramditya aka Hemu-
Hemu was a grocer by profession ,later he became a trusted general of Adil shah (son of Sher shah suri and ruler of Delhi). Hemu was a great military general . He fought over 20 battles in North India on behalf of the Suri dynasty and never lost any battle. Hemu had a support of both Hindus and afghans . Due to his achievements during 1556 he crowned himself as Prime minister and assumed the title of Vikramaditya !. He was the Prime minister of the country as Adil shah was only a titular ruler and all the powers were under Hemu’s control . Bairam Khan with 13 year old Akbar fought the 2nd battle of Panipat to regain to lost Mughal Empire against Hemu. Hemu marched with a large army against the Mughals . Bairam knew it was next to impossible to win over Hemu as a result he along with Akbar stayed 8 miles away from the battlefield .Unfortunately Hemu was injured with a arrow and fell down from his Elephant which caused a distraction in his army and he was captured and beheaded by Bairam Khan .
Hemu , the last Hindu ruler of Delhi !
6. Gangdev Kalachuri and Govind Chandra Gahadval
Gangland was most powerful ruler of the Kalachuri empire of central India during 11th century ! He was a vassal of Parmar king Raja Bhoja . He annexed Varanasi to his kingdom. The Ghazni rulers had entered north India by this time and were about to attack holy city of Varanasi . The Ghazni armies entered the city to plunder the temples early morning . To protect the holy city Gangdev dispatched a huge army to defeat the invaders . By noon the Kalachuri armies entered the city , seeing the mighty army of the Kalachuris the Ghazni armies fled from the City !
Govindchandra Gahadval of early 12th century was ruler of Kannauj (Gahadval dynasty) . Kannauj was captured and plundered by the Ghazni invaders . As a Prince Govindchandra led number of campaigns against the Muslim armies who had created havoc in the North India by plundering and raiding temples and settlements ! . When Govindchandra became a King ,he captured Kannauj and Varanasi and drove the Ghazni rulers from whole north India . It is said that it was Govindchandra who protected the holy cities of Varanasi from the Muslim Invaders .

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