Tuesday, December 18, 2018

Historical Images a Short Collection

Hassan Nizami The Portrait

 Baba Miran Bakhsh with His Students
 How were the Butchers of Lahore

 One of The oldest Mandir in The World Loh Mandir Lahore From where the Word Lahore was Derived
 Mah Rana is Giving Shoulder to a Muslim Funeral
 Maharana Saved an Old Lady from Crowd
 Maharaja Hari Singh Jee
 Milk Sellers of Lahore in 1880
 One of The Oldest View of Naugaza Grave in Lahore
 Napa Conference
 School Scene in Lahore
 Sweet Meat Sellers Lahore
 Tailoring Shop In Lahore 1880
Water Sellers of Lahore 1880

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