Saturday, December 29, 2018

The Tragic Story of Punjab Lion Maharaja Ranjit Singh Brutal Murder of His Children

Maharaja Ranjit Singh with Hira Singh Dogra
 . Gurdwara Built By Maharani Chand Kaur (Wife Of Maharaja Kharak Singh & Mother Of Maharaja Naunihal Singh
 Maharaja Kharak Singh Son of Ranjeet Singh
 Bhai Maharaj Singh with Bhai Bir singh
Baba Bir Singh’s influence grew so immense that a volunteer army of 1200 musket men and 3000 horse attended upon him. On April 9th an earthquake struck Amritsar Sahib. Many took this as a warning that the troubled situation in Punjab would soon be getting much worse. The next week was Vaisakhi and tens of thousands of Sikhs flocked to Naurangabad. Baba Bir Singh spoke about the importance of sovereignty and why all Sikhs must work together to maintain Khalsa Raj. He inspired the Sangat to unite under the Guru’s Nishan.
 Chobara like this fell upon Naunihal Singh
 Dogra Brothers Visiting Maharaja Ranjit Singh
 Maharani Jindan  Bai Wife of Sher Singh

 Maharaja Sher Singh
 Khalsa Army chasing Hira Singh Sensing  trouble, Hira Singh turned to his uncle Raja Gulab Singh Dogra of Jammu for help. Gulab Singh sent 1000 horsemen with his son Miyan Jawahar Singh to assist. Hira Singh abandoned Lahore, escaping with with 4,000 of his trusted Dogra troops and several cartloads of gold, silver and jewels removed from Lahore Toshakhana, the treasury. He crossed river Ravi from Shahdara and were on their way to Jammu with the treasury. Khalsa army pursued them and caught them about 14 miles away from city. Dogra

 Maharaja Kharak Singh

Maharani Chand Kaur
 Nakain Kaur, Chand Kaur and Sahib Kaur's Samadhis Lahore Punjab
 Nau Nihal Singh, Ruler of Sikh Empire.
 Naurangabad Dera of Baba Bir singh
Raja Hira Singh was terrified of Baba Bir Singh. Not only was he harbouring royals and nobles who directly threatened his position, he was also uniting the Siks against him. Mad with arrogance, Hira Singh ordered 20,000 troops to besiege Naurangabad. The regiment that carried out the attack was commanded by General Court, a European general with no loyalty to the Khalsa Panth.
Baba Bir Singh, who, however, forbade his Sikhs to fight back saying, "How can we attack our own brethren?" Kunwar Kashmira SinghAttar Singh Sandhawalia and hundreds of Bir Singh’s followers lost their lives in the heavy cannonade on May 7, 1844. A piece of mortar fired by Dogra army fell on Baba Bir Singh as he was sitting in service to Guru Granth Sahib. The damage to the sacred scripture annoyed the Sikhs and Hira Singh Dogra was labelled as "Guru-Maar". For this act Hira Singh Dogra had to pay for with his own life soon on December 21, 1844.
 Pundit Jalla The Advisor of Hira Singh Dogra Whose wrong Policies Led Hira Singh Dogra to Brutal Murder and also him with 4000 Soldiers who were Brutally Executed
Soon after assuming the office of "Wazir-e-azam", Raja Hira Singh realized that the empire was in financial trouble as revenue was not collected since the death of Maharaja Ranjit Singh. He relied on the advice of his tutor Pundit Jalla, a cunning Kashmiri Pundit based in Amritsar. Hira singh deputed Pundit Jalla to collect revenue from the Sikh Sardars, Jagirdars, Nawabs, and Rajas within the Lahore jurisdiction. 
 Raja Hira Singh Dogra, Wazir of Lahore

Heera Singh (1816-1844), prime minister of the Sikh Kingdom of Lahore from 17 September 1843 to 21 December 1844. He was the eldest son of Raja Dhian Singh Dogra, an influential courtier, who introduced him to his patron Maharaja Maharaja Ranjit Singh. The Maharaja took very favourably to the young boy, bestowing upon him the title of Raja in 1828 and, then, proclaiming him Farzand-i-Khas, (a favourite son). He granted him numerous jagirs (properties) which in total amounted to nearly five lakhs rupees (Rs500,000) annually. The wiley Maharaja Ranjit Singh was grooming his grandson Kunwar Naunihal Singh to succeed him as the next Maharaja of Lahore and his Prime Minister Raja Dhian Singh Dogra was grooming his son Hira Singh to be the prime minister.
 Renovated Roshnai Gate Lahore
 Arrival of Maharaja Sher Singh at Lahore
 Ruins of Dhian Singh's Haveli in Lahore
 Sandhawalia meeting Maharaja Sher Singh
 Sikh Leaders with Maharaja Ranjit Singh

The Haveli of Nau Nihal Singh is located in Lahore, Pakistan.

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