Friday, December 28, 2018

Birsa Munda a Freedom Fighter we must own.

Birsa Munda One of The Forgotten Heroes who Fought for the Tyranny of the Colonial british Raj Born in Jharkhand in a Tribe known as Munda He was a Vaishnav Monk The Follower of Vaishnavism This is also Krishnaism.He was Popularly known as Dharti Abba or the Earth Father.He stood up against The British Land Grabbing which was Meant to Convert Indians towards Christianity.
I was surprised to Read that in 19th Century to Get Education in Tribal Areas you have to be a Christian and as Birsa Munda went to a Christian Missionary School he had to convert to Christianity. He started the Faith of Birsait which become a Threat to the Christian Missionaries
He was Named as Birsa  David which he changed to Birsa Daud .
He was Born on Thursday as Per Tradition he was Named After the day Born He rose with the Intention that Follow Your own Religion Rather then Foreign.
Regardless of His Religious Affiliations We In india Pakistan Must Honor the Brave Person who Fought the British and Fought Against the Forced Conversion by the Britishers.In Fact he Stood For Religion By Choice Rather then by Forced Conversion.
He Died in Jail and British Declared that he got Cholera while he showed no Symptoms.He was captured by the Britishers and as Long as He Lived He was admired by His Fellow Tribes.

 Thanks to Ritish Kumar For explaining his Movement By This White Board .This is really a Remarkable way to Express

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