Saturday, December 22, 2018

The Lahore and The Raj some Memories

Rare Image of Commissioner Lahore Egerton This is very Surprising None of His Other Image is Available He has Lot of Contribution In Punjab and Especially Lahore A Oic by John Burke
Henry Montgomery Lawrence, after photograph by Ahmed Ali Khan, 1857.
Henry Montgomery Lawrence, engraving after unknown photographer
Sir Henry Lawrence By Imam Baksh
High cross Sir Henry Lawrence Memorial in The Residency, Lucknow
Memorial to Henry Lawrence at St. Paul's Cathedral, London
Mian Rahim Bakhsh Maimar Constructor in Lahore
A very Rare Image of The Edwards and Sir Lawrence
Sir Henry Montgomery Lawrence
 An 1876 engraving of Rajputs, from the Illustrated London News.
An old street-scene in Lahore.
 Badshahi Mosque with damaged minarets during Sikh rule
 Badshahi Mosque, c. 1880's
 Emperor Aurangzeb seated on a golden throne holding a hawk in the Durbar.
 Hazuri Bagh Baradari and Lahore Fort, c. 1860's
 Image of Sultan Mahmud Ghaznavi in his court where noblemen and noblewomen convened.
 Mahmud and Ayaz Sultan Mahmud Ghaznavi is to the right, shaking the hand of the Shaikh, with Ayaz standing behind him. The figure to his right is Shah Abbas I, who reigned about 600 years later.
 Raghunathrao, the Maratha peshwa who conquered Lahore in 1758.
The mausoleum of Sultan Qutb ud Din Aibak in Anarkali, Lahore, Pakistan.

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