Saturday, December 1, 2018

Pakistan Playboy Ambassador Who was Darling of Parties

Even a partial listing of actresses who, correctly or incorrectly, have been romantically linked with Aly by newspapers and columnists would make a sizable international casting directory. After his divorce from Rita he achieved black and breathless headlines with another worldwide romance, this time with Gene Tierney. For a while he saw a great deal of Merle Oberon. Italian papers noted he was dancing with Actress Lia Amanda. Hollywood's Joan Fontaine appeared regularly at his parties. There were recorded encounters with Actresses Kim Novak and Yvonne de Carlo. The press in Greece noted he was dancing with Actress Irene Papas. In Paris he saw a great deal of Actresses Danielle Delorme and Lise Bourdin

Actress Zsa Zsa Gabor (R), a guest at Prince Aly Khan's (L) party
 Actors (L-R) Douglas Fairbanks Jr. & Zsa Zsa Gabor at Prince Aly Khan's party

Socialite the Marquesa Alfonso de Portago (2L) & designer V. Stux-Rybar

 His Highness, Prince Aly Khan, Pakistan's representative at the U.N., has won fame and kept his fortune by defying this old maxim.

Brief Meeting on stairs brings together Mrs. Whitelaw Reid,
wife of a New York Herald Tribune director, and real estate
tycoon William Zeckendorf

Playwright James Costigan (L) & actress Susan Strasberg 

at Prince Aly Khan's party

Table Talk occupies Tina Louise and Edward Condon, the
president of a frozen food processing company.  
They discussed books and sports

 Diplomat Andrew Cordier (L) & Soviet politician Arkady Sobolev
 at Prince Aly Khan's party

 Admiral Arthur W. Radford (L) at Prince Aly Khan's party

Admiral Arthur Radford at Prince Aly Khan's party
 Soviet politician Arkady Sobolev (L) & Lady Adelle Beatty (R) 
at Prince Aly Khan's party

Hollywood Friend of Aly's, Zsa Zsa Gabor announced at the
party that she had broken her engagement to Builder
Hal Hayes, returned his 45-carat ring
 Politician's Wives, Mrs. Samuel Di Falco, (center) and
Mrs. De Sapio, arrived in group with Carmine De Sapio,
Democratic boss in New York 
 Designer Mollie Parnis (L), actress Zsa Zsa Gabor (C) & Lady Adelle Beatty (R) 
at Prince Aly Khan's party

Prince Aly Solomone Aga Khan
13.VI.1911 – 12.V.1960

 Good Friend of Aly's, Lady Beatty (left), formerly Adelle
Dillingham of Oklahoma sat near her host during dinner.
She is with designer Mollie Parnis

Diplomat Rahat Chhatari briefly shared a table with Australian
model Pauline Kiernan

 Party For Aly Khan’s Friends
 Socialite hostess Elsa Maxwell (R) at Prince Aly Khan's (L) party

Socialite Byra Whittlesey Hemingway (L) & actor Douglas Fairbanks Jr. 
at Prince Aly Khan's party
 Douglas Fairbanks Jr. and Nancy Randolph

 Another thing Aly has more of than the average man is energy. It is so excessive as to be abnormal. Although he seldom goes to sleep before 3:30 or 4 o'clock in the morning and habitually arises again at 8:30, no day is long enough for him. He sweeps along at an almost frenzied pace, giving orders over his shoulder to aides and servants who trail breathlessly in his wake, dictating letters in French and English to his two secretaries, but never quite catching up to his appointments. There are not many instances on record of Aly's being completely punctual. This characteristic has not exactly endeared him to his associates and underlings. Said a U.N. aide sourly, ‘You would think a man of 47 would have learned to schedule his day properly.’

                                        Aga Khan IV

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