Sunday, December 9, 2018

Inside India Trade of Human Skeleton and Head Body Parts

The Story and Investigation comes to us From Scott Carney.How the Gangsters Used Dead Body Skelton to Export to West and Americans Where Colleges Buy the Skeleton for Conducting Tests.They collect Bodies from The Shamshan Ghat and sometimes from the River They first put the Bodies in a Net and Throw them into water where Fish and other Bacteria finish the Tissue on the Body then They take the skeleton out Put this in sunLight and then Polish .A firm Young traders then Tied the Skeleton and Then Export.
The Roar in india was seen when 1500 Child Skeleton were Found Were these Kidnapped Children.
The Criminal was Mukti Biswas.
Biswas sold complete skeletons wholesale for $45 to a medical supply company called Young Brothers, which wired the pieces together, painted on medical diagrams, and sawed away sections of the skulls to reveal internal structures. Then Young Brothers sold the bones to dealers around the world.
The empirical study of human anatomy took off with Leonardo da Vinci's sketches in the 15th century; the earliest extant articulated skeleton dates from 1543. As medicine advanced, physicians were expected to have a systematic understanding of the human body's inner workings
By the beginning of the 19th century, Europe's demand for human remains far outstripped supply.
In England, home of many of the world's preeminent medical institutions, grave robbing became so commonplace that certain cemeteries were famous for battles between grieving families and marauding medical students. To contain the problem, the government passed the Anatomy Act of 1832, allowing doctors to take any corpse that was left unclaimed in a city morgue or hospital. The law put an end to grave robbery, but the supply of legal skeletons still couldn't keep up with demand.

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