Thursday, July 16, 2020

US President Donald Trump's interest in buying the Roosevelt Hotel؟The Hot scandal in Pakistan

The National Assembly's Standing Committee on Privatization has been told that US President Donald Trump has expressed interest in buying the Roosevelt Hotel, owned by the National Airline (PIA) in New York.
Najib Sami, MD, PIA Investment Limited, told the privatization committee that the government had tried to plant Roosevelt Hotel ten times.
The PIA's performance was considered in the National Assembly's Standing Committee on Privatization.
During the meeting, committee member Khawaja Asif admitted that the failure to privatize the national airline was a failure of the PML-N government.
He said that conditions are not good for privatization yet. Parliament should be taken into confidence over the privatization of PIA.
It may be recalled that the federal government in its reply filed in the Islamabad High Court today said that they were selling Roosevelt hotels in New York and there would be no privatization.
Justice Amir Farooq of the Islamabad High Court remarked that national assets should not be thrown away as we usually do.
During the hearing, Deputy Attorney General Raja Khalid Mahmood told the court that the government was appointing an advisor on how to make the hotel profitable in the future.
Justice Amir Farooq queried that you are saying that feasibility is being developed only for profit. Isn't there a joint venture in the hotel?
The Deputy Attorney General replied that there was no such thing, it was just newspaper news. The government is appointing an advisor to make the hotel profitable.
Petitioner's counsel argued that Special Assistant Zulfi Bukhari wanted to take over the hotel through his frontman. Zulfi Bukhari is neither a Pakistani citizen nor an elected representative.
The Deputy Attorney General said that Zulfi Bukhari is a Pakistani but has dual citizenship. Justice Amir Farooq remarked that if you have read the decision of the Supreme Court, it also comes in the public office holder.
Justice Amir Farooq said that the hotel is not being given to any party present in the writ. Should not be personal, not personal interest.
Addressing the petitioner's counsel while dealing with the matter, the court said that the decision mentions the statement of the federation, if something like this happens in the future , you can file a writ again

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