Sunday, July 12, 2020

Fruits that can help u to Increase your immunity system against Virus?does it work for Covid-19

Immunity must be strong to prevent the global epidemic Coronavirus, which is spreading rapidly from person to person, but people with strong immunity are not at risk from this epidemic.

According to medical and nutritionists, it is also important to have a strong immune system to fight the epidemic at this time, for which the use of fruits rich in vitamin C is very useful.

According to experts, the common cold, flu, fever, and viral are common in this season, but nowadays in view of the global epidemic coronavirus, it is useful to use vitamin C and citrus fruits to avoid this virus and all common viruses. I include pomegranates, lemons, and malt.

These fruits can be drunk together with their proven juices, including pomegranates and pomegranates. Pomegranates and malts have a natural sweetness, so there is no need to add extra sugar or ice to them.

Experts say that to avoid this epidemic, at least go out, stay at home and use fresh juice of pomegranate, lemon, and malt. This drink is good for your skin, hair, nails, and overall health, including boosting your immune system. Will also have good effects.

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