Saturday, July 25, 2020

Pakistan in the Fifties

1950. Liaquat Ali Khan, (1896-1951) the first Prime Minister of Pakistan pictured with his wife.

A child is treated in a Punjab hospital by a doctor and nurses, for injuries sustained during a Pakistani bombing attack in the India-Pakistan conflict

A water seller in Lahore.

Circa 1950's. Pakistan, Karachi. Refugees who live on the roadside in makeshift tents in the centre of Karachi, awaiting a settlement with the government.

Educator and member of Pakistan constituent assembly, June 15, 1951. Begum Shaista Suhrawardy Ikramullah..

In a modern professional training and demonstration center for health services created by U.N.I.C.E.F and the United Nations Fund for Childhood in Karachi, Pakistan,

Liaquat Ali Khan, the Prime Minister of Pakistan, at a press conference in Britain.

Miangul Abdul Wadud, Wali of Swat (1882 - 1971), leaning on his walking stick while posing w. members of his state police

Students at an open-air school in a village in the Indus valley.

Visiting editor from Pakistan, 14 September 1951. Mr. K.H. Khurshid, staying at Hollywood Plaza.

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