Friday, November 22, 2019

The Banning of Alcohol in Pakistan? This is a Parallel Trade going in Black

Pakistan a Country where Alcohol is Banned Since 1977 By PPP A Thoughtful Research by Nadeem Farooq Paracha.

This was First Banned in Khyber Pakhtoonkhwa by The Religious Party Jamiat ulma-islam Interestingly The Left wing Party ANP lead  by Wali Khan and Right wing Party Jamat-Islami were Part of The Coalition that banned Alcohol.

The second Move was by The opposition Parties in Parliament in 1973 which was refused by the Government due to the slogan we have more Important Things to Look into.
Alcohol was banned in 1974 by the same Government  in Army Mess


This was going on well Till April 1977 when Protest were held by The Religious Alliance against Bhutto which forced him to declare Wine as Forbidden and Bars were Closed throughout the country.
but he couldn't save his Government.
The era of Zia ul Haq saw worst kind of Human right violations especially on wine but again 1n 1982 with the Soviet jihad and Foreigners Pulling in The Import of Alcohol reached the Highest Level ever in the History of Pakistan.

The Local Consumers were sentenced to Lashes but the Alcohol Drinking continued in Private.

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