Friday, November 29, 2019

Licked by his Dog Man Dies in Germany?Can Healthy Dogs-Cats Licking Touching kills

In one Strange event a 63 Year Old man  in Germany was brought to Hospital with a Burning Sensation in his Left Leg and he had muscle pain in both Legs.He had flu-like symptoms,with difficulty in breathing for 3 days. His skin had purplish round spots that seems like rashes,This seems to be Capillaries bleeding under the surface

The patient when brought to hospital had a temperature around 102.his inadequate breathing was causing problems in supply of oxygen to his tissue.His kidneys failed to produce urine.the researchers wrote about him.
The doctor for days couldn't diagnose what was wrong with the patient.His medical history show no recent visits to hospital.They suspected that he had contacted some bacteria.although his condition showed no cuts or open wounds and he didn't have meningitis
On his fourth day in hospital a blood test was taken and that showed that the man had a contact with a type of bacteria that is found in saliva of healthy dogs and cats.Usually this is transmitted to humans once they are bitten.
Doctors soon realized the man has been licked by his dog with bacteria in his saliva which finally resulted in his death.
In,medical terminology this is known as Capnocytophaga canimorsus
The medical Science says this is found in Cats -Dogs and Human Saliva also but the Bacteria is dangerous in rare cases.
If a serious condition develop the mortality rate is just 30% and in some case of Canimrsus the patient can die within 72 hours of infection.
These Type of bacteria develops faster in people with Alcohol or drug uses but in the particular case of the German patient his history show none so the Doctors are making further research
Doctors advise that if you feel a flu-like feeling while touching your or licking by your Dogs-Cats immediately take a medical advise.If you are bitten by Dog-Cats quickly wash your hands with soap and immediately Contact a Doctor

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