Saturday, November 16, 2019

All is Not well in Islamabad? Will Imran Khan Resist?

The Current Scenario in Pakistan Shows that The Establishment is going Against Imran Khan.The Problem with a Pakistani Politics is You are never sure when will u go out.

Pakistan has a Long History of Mis-Trust and against and in Favor of Establishments Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto is the Only Politician of Pakistan after Liaquat Ali Khan who resisted the Establishment otherwise the main stream Parties Like PPP of Benazir Bhutto to Zardari and PML-N  of Mian Nawaz Sharif 

They always Faced a Bitter Taste when They tried to become a little bit Authoritative. Imran Khan is a New-Comer with a Lot of Followers around Pakistan.The Establishment was Forcing there decision which a man of Dignity cannot digest.
Is the Game-over for Imran Khan.? Going by the Current Scenario it seems The Establishment wanted Mian Nawaz Sharif to Go Abroad and Imran Khan maximum opposed but Later on Retreated to Bani-Gala with a 2 Days Leave.
The Meeting with The Army Chief is what can be said to be making Him disappointed.His Allies are Part of the Establishment Like PML (Q) GDL[Pagara] and MQM[Pakistan] They are all Establishment Parties 

Will Imran Khan Resist and Survive.This will be decided in The coming Days.By his History He will Resist creating Problems for Establishment.
The Million Dollar question is Can he stay Now?

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