Wednesday, January 23, 2019

Meet The Fifth Columnist Asma Jahangir.

If the article 62 and 63 of 1973 Constitution of Pakistan is implemented in letter and spirit then - Jinnah Ka Mazar, Iqbal Ka Mazar, Deobandiyat, Barelviyat, Shiyat, Ahmadiyyat and Qadianiat sub ka Sub Danday Par Chadh Jayegi (means everybody would either be in jail or facing the death sentence for apostasy for the blasphemy and disbelief in their respective books) ISLAMABAD The Pakistan Muslim League-N has rejected criticism of its leader Nawaz Sharif`s remarks about Ahmadis` rights following the suicide bombings on two mosques in Lahore last month. Mr Sharif upset religious and political circles last week after he said that “Ahmadi brothers and sisters are an asset” of the country. The former prime minister said Ahmadis were citizens of Pakistan. Mr Sharif may have succeeded in pacifying leaders of the Ahmadi community and other minorities who have been criticising the Punjab government for its failure to provide them protection, but this provided an opportunity to his opponents to launch a campaign against him and his party. PML-N spokesman Ahsan Iqbal told Dawn that the criticism was “just an act of exploitation”. “Nawaz Sharif said what the Quaid-i-Azam had already stated that all Pakistanis were brothers irrespective of their religion, language or caste,” he added. Mr Sharif`s comments drew criticism from Jamiat Ulema-i-Islam, Jamaat-i-Islami, Wafaqul Madaris, Jamiat Ahle-Sunnat and Al-Hadith, Jamia Banuri and Khatm-i-Nabuwat Movement, Ulema and PML-Q. In a statement, leaders of Wafaqul Madaris, an umbrella organisation of over 20,000 Madrassas, urged Mr Sharif to retract his statement and advised him not to “defy religion for petty political gains”. JUI-F leaders termed the statement a “violation of the Constitution” as it had declared Ahmadis a minority community. “The PML-N chief should seek forgiveness from Muslims all over the world,” they said. Chaudhry Pervaiz Elahi, the PML-Q leader, said Nawaz Sharif had issued the statement to “protect his properties in the UK”. The participants of a recent Ulema seminar condemned Mr Sharif`s remarks and termed it an attempt to appease the US. Some religious leaders have even threatened to launch a campaign against the PML-N if Mr Sharif does not withdraw his statement. Ahsan Iqbal criticised all those who were giving `religious colour` to a statement which, according to him, had been issued in the `national perspective`. He said Mr Sharif had merely emphasised that every Pakistani citizen was entitled to equal respect and rights. Mr Iqbal was of the opinion that it was wrong to see the remarks in the religious context. He accused Pervaiz Elahi of exploiting the issue for political gains. REFERENCE: PML-N defends Nawaz`s remarks about Ahmadis By Amir Wasim

Asma Jahangir on Drone Attacks - After the first targeted assassination by drone killed six al-Qaeda suspects in November 2002 in Yemen, the UN special rapporteur on extrajudicial, summary, or arbitrary executions, Asma Jahangir, demanded some answers and indicated this probably violated international law. Jahangir wrote: The Special Rapporteur is extremely concerned that should the information received be accurate, an alarming precedent might have been set for extrajudicial execution by consent of Government. The Special Rapporteur acknowledges that Governments have a responsibility to protect their citizens against the excesses of non-State actors or other authorities, but these actions must be taken in accordance with international human rights and humanitarian law. In the opinion of the Special Rapporteur, the attack in Yemen constitutes a clear case of extrajudicial killing. REFERENCE: Obama Will Again Thwart UN Investigations of Drone War John Glaser, January 30, 2013

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