Thursday, August 13, 2020

44 Images of Saudi Arabia.The History they forgot Before Oil discovery

Bedouins in 1930
Before the 1938 we used to live as basic Bedouins.
Circa 1750, Abdallah ibn Saud, chief of the Wahabites in Saudi Arabia.
Dispatching The Mahmal, Or Holy Carpet, From Cairo To Mecca

Faisal, son of Hussain of Mecca, with his delegates and advisors at the Versailles peace conference, 22nd January 1919. Faisal was briefly king of Syria, and later Iraq
Franklin D. Roosevelt and King Ibn Saud of Saudi Arabia at Great Bitter Lake in Egypt. Record creator Franklin Delano Roosevelt, (1882-1945). Date 14 February 1945.
Funeral of Hussein bin Ali (1854 –1931). Sharif and Emir of Mecca (1908- 1917) and self-proclaimed King of the Kingdom of Hejaz and Caliph of all Muslims.
Historical Geography. 1900. Iraq. Good accomodation for pilgrims in a caravanserai in the city of Kerbela
Ibn Saud's (Abd al-Aziz Ibn Saud) army on the march near Habl, Saudi Arabia, 8th January 1911.

Man and Camel near Oil Well, Saudi Arabia, circa 1940's.

One of the first autotype photographs, arab pilgrims on the way to mecca
Partial text in the Sabeenne language (Native to Saudi Arabia), 5th Century BC.
Photograph of Moslem pilgrims at Mecca, circa 1910.
President Reagan Gestures to Prince Fahd
Saudi Arabia in 1937
Sherif of Medina Preaching the Holy War in Medina Before starting for Jerusalem, 1914.
 Zamzam Well. Engraving. Panorama Universal. History of Arabia, 1851

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