10th November 1931: Chester Williams (left), Executive Secretary of the National Students Federation, interviewing Indian poet and philosopher Rabindranath Tagore (1861 - 1941) at the Algonquin Hotel in New York City over WABC and Columbia Network radio. Tagore spoke on youth rebuilding the world. (Photo by Hulton Archive/Getty Images)
circa 1925: Portrait of German-born physicist Albert Einstein (1879 - 1955) and Indian poet Sir Rabindranath Tagore (1861 - 1941), the 1920s. (Photo by Martin Vos/Hulton Archive/Getty Images)
June 1921: Indian poet and philosopher Rabindranath Tagore (1861 - 1941) in London. (Photo by Topical Press Agency/Getty Images)
circa 1925: Indian poet and philosopher Rabindranath Tagore (1861-1941) with a female companion. (Photo by Keystone/Getty Images)
INDIA - 1925: Nobel Prize-winning (1913) Indian poet Rabindranath Tagore reading to others. (Photo by Mansell/Mansell/The LIFE Picture Collection via Getty Images)
Philosophy, Germany, Sir Rabindranath Tagore, Indian philosopher, leaving the Berlin residence of President Hindenburg, 1926 (Photo by Haynes Archive/Popperfoto via Getty Images/Getty Images)
UNITED STATES - CIRCA 1930: Helen Keller (1880 - 1968), right, meets with famous Indian poet Tagore (1861 - 1941) for a photo opportunity in New York in 1930. (Photo by Mark Rucker/Transcendental Graphics, Getty Images)
Indian Bengali poet and literary figure Rabindranath Tagore (1861 - 1941) in an automobile while traveling in Tokyo, Japan, possibly 1916. (Photo by Buyenlarge/Getty Images)
UNSPECIFIED - JANUARY 02: The Indian writer Rabindranath Tagore reading a book in the 1930s. (Photo by Keystone-France/Gamma-Keystone via Getty Images)
UNSPECIFIED - JANUARY 01: Rabindranath Tagore shortly before his death in 1941. He received the Nobel Prize in Literature 1913. (Photo by Keystone-France/Gamma-Keystone via Getty Images)
INDIA - JANUARY 01: The poet Rabindranath Tagore welcomed at Madras in the 1920s. He received the Nobel Prize in Literature in 1913. (Photo by Keystone-France/Gamma-Keystone via Getty Images)
Indian poet, artist and writer Rabindranath Tagore (1861-1941), circa 1940. (Photo by Mansell/The LIFE Picture Collection via Getty Images)
Indian political and social leader Mohandas K. Gandhi (1869 - 1948) (center) laughs with Bengali poet, scholar, and reformer Rabindranath Tagore (1861 - 1941) (right), India, the 1930s. (Photo by Mansell/The LIFE Picture Collection via Getty Images)
Rabindranath Tagore, the 1913 recipient of the Nobel Prize in Literature, standing in a group. (Photo by Michael Nicholson/Corbis via Getty Images)
) 'Indian author and philosopher Rabindranath Tagore visits German / American physicist Albert Einstein in Caputh, - 07.14.1930 (Photo by ullstein Bild via Getty Images)
Einstein, Albert - physicist, Germany/USA *14.03.1879-18.04.1955+ - the Indian author and philosopher Rabindranath Tagore (center) visiting Einstein (right) in Caputh, on the left: the wife of Einstein Elsa and his daughter Margot - 14.07.1930 - Published by: 'B.Z.' 29.11.1930 Vintage property of ullstein Bild (Photo by ullstein Bild/ullstein Bild via Getty Images)
Portrait of Indian author and poet Rabindranath Tagore, circa 1935. (Photo by Fox Photos/Hulton Archive/Getty Images)
The Indian poet and philosopher Rabindranath Tagore (1861-1941)(r) with the sculptor Jacob Epstein (1880-1959). (Photo by © Hulton-Deutsch Collection/CORBIS/Corbis via Getty Images)
Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi (1869 - 1948) With Rabindranath Tagore at Santiniketan, 1940. Gandhi was the preeminent leader of the Indian independence movement in British-ruled India. Rabindranath Tagore (1861 -1941) was a Bengali polymath, philosopher and author. (Photo by: Universal History Archive/ Universal Images Group via Getty Images)
Rabindranath Tagore (1861 - 1941) right with Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru, later Prime Minister of India, 1940. (Photo by: Photo 12/Universal Images Group via Getty Images)
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