Partition of India
Indian Partition
Partition of India
A Muslim League National Guard helps a muslim family fill their water containers before their train to Pakistan leaves Delhi station.
A nurse with two child victims of communal violence in Amritsar, Punjab, during the Partition of British India, March 1947
A street sweeper at work after communal riots in Amritsar, Punjab, during the Partition of British India, March 1947.
A view towards the Golden Temple (Sri Harmandir Sahib), the holiest shrine of Sikhism, after communal riots in Amritsar, Punjab, during the Partition of British India, March 1947.
A wrecked potter's shop after communal riots in Amritsar, Punjab, during the Partition of British India, March 1947.
An armoured car of the Wiltshire Regiment leaving City Police headquarters on a peace-keeping patrol after communal riots in Amritsar, Punjab, during the Partition of British India, March 1947.
British infantryman standing guard at Islamic bookshop in predominantly Hindu area after bloody rioting between Hindus and Muslims
Burned-out and ruined buildings in the Katra Jaimal Singh area of Amritsar after communal violence in the city during the Partition of British India, Punjab, March 1947.
Convoy of Sikhs migrating to East Punjab after the division of India.
Corpses lying among pieces of wood in preparation for cremation after bloody rioting between Hindus and Muslims.
covered Moslem bodies of the victims of Sikh attacks at the railroad train station which was the origin of the Pakistan Special Train intended to take Moslems to liberty in the West Punjab.
Dog eating the fly-covered body of a female Moslem, the victim of a Sikh attack at the railroad train station, the origin of the Pakistan Special Train intended to take Moslems to liberty in the West Punjab
Family members prepare to bury a child who died of starvation during a mass migration, following the Partition of India, October 1947.
Four Hindus w. their belongs in gunny sacks, waiting for train at Howrah railroad station as they hope to escape to the villages to avoid the Muslim riots which are destroying their business & homes.
Hindu children picking through the burned ruins of rickshaws in the wake of the destruction caused by Musliml riots in this predominately Muslim area, on Wellesly St. in the city.
Hindu man picking through the burned ruins of furniture in front of Hindu store in the wake of the destruction caused by Muslim riots in this predominately Muslim area, on Wellesly St. in the city.
Lord Mountbatten, Then Viceroy Of India (Seated, Left) Listening To An Indian Leader From The Village Of Kahuta Complain About Recent Riots Between August 1947
Moslem refugee cholera patient breast-feeding her baby at Infectious Disease Hospital.
Moslem refugee cholera patients in filthy condition at Infectious Disease Hospital upon their arrival after their long march fr. Delhi, India
Muslim Indian mother breast-feeding her baby as she rides a burro under cover of an umbrella while part of a caravan fleeing fr. East to West Punjab to escape anti-Moslem Sikhs.
One of 30 special trains leaving New Delhi Station which will take the staff of the Pakistan government to Karachi. Muslim League National Guards stand to attention in honour of the departure.
Portrait of an unidentified woman as she holds a child and cries during the Partition of India (which divided British India into Pakistan and modern India), India, November 1947.
The burned-out Hall Bazaar shopping street after communal riots in Amritsar, Punjab, during the Partition of British India, March 1947.
The driver of a special train leaving New Delhi Station to relocate six hundred Muslim residents of Delhi to Pakistan following the partition of India, August 1947.
This photo taken in August 1947 shows a destroyed building in the Katra Jaimal Singh area of Amritsar during unrest following the Partition of India and Pakistan. -
This photo taken in August 1947 shows Indian soldiers walking through the debris of a building in the Chowk Bijli Wala area of Amristar during unrest following the Partition of India and Pakistan
Two men carrying an elderly woman in a make-shift litter as they migrate, following the Partition of India, October 1947.
Two Muslim Indians carrying black pennants and demonstrating against the partition of India and Pakistan on June 5, 1947, as the debate had been officially ratified.
View of a family on an ox-drawn cart as they migrate, following the Partition of India, October 1947.
Vultures feeding on corpses lying abandoned in alleyway after bloody rioting between Hindus and Muslims. (
Vultures feeding on corpses lying abandoned in alleyway after bloody roiting between Hindus and Muslims.
Wreckage fr. carts & belongings Indian refugees who had been camped there before the Beas River flooded over, during mass migration because of religious conflicts.
Wrecked buildings after communal riots in Amritsar, Punjab, during the Partition of British India, March 1947
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