Tuesday, May 28, 2019

28th May 1998 Pakistan Become Nuclear Power

Dr Abdus Salam Meets Ayub Khan
Dr Salam Meets Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto
President Bhutto inaugurates the Karachi Nuclear Power Plant, 1972
Dr Abdus Salam, Munir Ahmed Khan and Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto-
A 1976 photo of Pakistan’s Nobel Prize winning scientist, Dr. Abdus Salam (right), with a colleague at a summer college held at Pakistan’s scenic Nathiagali resort

While meeting with the cricket hero and chairman of a leading political party  (He is equally respected by all the political parties in Pakistan)
While meeting with the cricket hero and chairman of a leading political party  (He is equally respected by all the political parties in Pakistan)
 AQ Khan in the tunnel
AQ Khan and Samar Mubarakmand, flanking the man in the blue beret (believed to be General Zulfikar Ali). Reproduced from the Nuclear Weapons Archive.
Dust raised on Koh Kambaran in the Ras Koh mountains by the Pakistan-I test, 28 May 1998-

The  A Man at the Atomic Test Site

Images of the Chagai Region
Dr A Q Khan with Majeed Nizami

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