Sunday, April 9, 2023

How did the Mongols beat and defeat Western and Eastern European Knights in armed and unarmed combat? | The Timurid Dynasty

Timur’s tactics relied on the mobility of his military forces

Emir Timur or Tamerlane, the founder of the Timurid Empire

A Timurid Warrior

Bazaar in Samarkand, R. K. Zommer (1866-1939)

Early Timurid forces. This is prior to Timur’s rise to power

Gur-i-Amir in Samarkand, Uzbekistan

How Timurid armors were compared to European Armors

The Chagatai tumen were left dispersed throughout the Timurid Empire as garrison forces by Timur

The Timurid army ready for battle

The Timurid Cavalry force. Compare this uniformed and professional military force with the Dothraki. Note the Tarkhan (hero)

The Timurid forces. Note that the army is wearing a fixed uniform

Timur’s enemies that would later be incorporated within his army

War elephants from India


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