Thursday, April 6, 2023

"Eclectic Mosaic: A Visual Medley"

1911 Delhi Durbar. The King Emperor and His Dominions.

An unidentified Indian gentleman holding a sword

Baroda. The Maharaja of Baroda’s golden cannon at the 1903 Delhi Durbar

British officers on a furlough expedition in Northern India, circa 1875

Captain Sultan Raja Haider Zaman Khan, M.B.E., Chief of Gakhars, Khanpur 1937

H.R.H. The Prince of Wales & Viscount Kitchener at Rawalpindi 1905

Mr Frederick Whitaker and his Indian Boy. A photograph of its time.

Royal Tour of India 1905-06 by the Prince & Princess of Wales

 Uniformed soldiers dancing at the Highland Gathering in Agra in 1913

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