Sunday, April 23, 2023

10 Captivating Images depicting Life in British Raj India

Chennai (Madras), India. The high courts 1895.

Darjeeling Railway 1895

Delhi Ruins by W.H. Jackson, 1895

Group portrait of the Maharaja of Mysore and his brothers and sisters

Shalimar Gardens Lahore 1895

Sher Afzal Khan and prisoners taken by the Khan of Dir and brought to India by Captain Younghusband, 1895

The Statue of Matrikas found near Agam Kuan built by Ashoka, Patna, in 1895.

The dam and the Bhim temple were built by Baz Bahadhur Chand, Raja of Kumaon, in the 17th century at Bhimtal, in 1895.

The Nautch Party at Woolagiri Mines. 1895

The Nizam VI riding an elephant in a procession from Moula Ali, circa. 1895


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