Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Will The Real Imran Khan Please Stand-Up? Watch what you said about MQM your Allies

Pakistan Prime Minister Imran Khan Multiple U-Turns about his Precious Stand on The MQM and its Politics.
This seems very Interesting that up till 2018 Elections PTI and Imran Khan were not speaking Soft against there current Allies MQM,
They always thought MQM as a Terrorist Organisation with Deep Roots of Hatred and Violance There Party Leader Zahra Shahid Murder or The Baldia Town Imran Khan always portrayed them as real Criminals

However Things took a Surprised U-Turn when both Parties joined hands to Form the New Government.
The current President Dr Arif Alvi was one step ahead of His Leader Imran Khan in tweeting and addressing MQM as a Global terrorist organisation
I think the Real Mr Imran Please Stand-Up and justify

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