Sunday, October 6, 2019

Why America Finance Taliban

In a very interesting speech, Hillary Clinton admitted that Americans created Al- Qaeda, and Taliban to Counter the Soviets

Pakistan didn't Create those fundamentalists as now projected. These Taliban were the brainchild of the USA to oust Russian from the World map
The Americans got the Pie and Pakistan got all the heat
In this regard, I share 2 videos from Ronald Reagon which are self-explanatory

They Funded the Madrassah and injected Jihad among the innocent brains Completely Washed their brains and gave them Bombs to attack Russians
Thus the whole episode was written by 5he West and the USA
The Collaborators were Saudia Qatar and UAE
Pakistan Lost around 100 Billion Dollar the Economy gone to Shattered
Bomb blasts become a Routine
Infrastructure was badly hit
Now This is at least soothing That someone Prominent is accepting the mistakes
Taliban and Terrorism are the brainchildren of Americans and Israel

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