Thursday, October 17, 2019

Scroll Images Present 16 Images From Pakistan History

An Indian Sindhi woman wearing a sari, India, 1940's. The Sindh province is now part of Pakistan

 Quaid Azam Mohammad Ali Jinnah in Landi Kotal
The Horrors of Partition

 Choudhury Khaliquzzaman seconding the Lahore resolution with Jinnah chairing the session.
 circa 1940 The University Training Corps from Lahore, India, march with rifles during a training exercise.
 circa 1940 The University Training Corps in Lahore, India, learning to shoot.
 Delegates to the Punjab Assembly meeting in Lahore.
 The Horrors of Partition
 founding members of the All-India Muslim League
 Rebel Leaders arrested Following An Attack On The Police At Peshawar, India. Following an attack on the police at Peshawar, troops were called into action to quell the rioters. A dispatch rider was killed with an ax and his body set on fire with kerosene. An armored car coming to his aid was also fired. Twelve members of the Congress party were put under arrest following the fracas, they were taken in chains to jail. The above photo shows just before the start of the serious trouble the King's Own Yorkshire Light Infantry on the right, and the 18th Royal Garhwal Rifles on the left, while in the foreground is an armored car.

 Imperial Airways Handley-Page HP 42 biplane 'Hanno', Gwadar, Baluchistan, circa 1931-circa 1940 (1946). 'By 1929, Imperial Airways Ltd. had pushed their regular weekly service from Great Britain to India. The leisurely four-engined biplane 'Hanno' was typical of the land-based passenger aircraft of those days. She is at Gwadar, Baluchistan. From "Merchant Airmen - The Air Ministry Account of British Civil Aviation, 1939-1944". [His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1946]. Artist Unknown

 INDIA - CIRCA 1947: Lord Mountbatten, Then Viceroy Of India (Seated, Left) Listening To An Indian Leader From The Village Of Kahuta Complain About Recent Riots Between August 1947 And June 1948. At This Time, Lord Louis Mountbatten Had The Delicate Task Of Gaining Acceptance For The Partition Of The British Dominion Into Two States, India And Pakistan.

 Nawab Sir Shah Nawaz Mamdot presenting address of welcome at the All-India Muslim League session, March 1940, with Jinnah at the left.
 Horrors of Partition
 Some 17 million people were displaced during the partition of British India into India and Pakistan
The All India Muslim League Working Committee, Lahore session, March 1940. Jinnah in the center, fourth from the left.

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