Wednesday, July 28, 2021

18 Vintage Indian Images

A Busy Street in Delhi India
A Hindu Cemetry India
A Parsi School master and his class of boys Island of Uran.N.W towars Bombay India
A Poor Cripple ox-cart Calcuta
A Rickshaw of the wealthy at entrance to Christ church Simla
At Gem Lake exposed to mid day sun and Fires
Athletic native diding from top of a 50 ft tower to Tank below Fatehpur Sikri India
Crossing River Jehlum by a bridge of 3 Ropes
East wind Tiger cave S. W into wonderful rock-hewn temple of Elephants India
Entrance to the Tomb of King Akbar Sikandrabad
Fakirs at amritsar Golden Temple India
Fakirs at amritsar Golden Temple India
Grotesque and Patient skill of Hindu scultures Pillars of Temple Madura India
Hindu House wives Grinding Flour
Hindu Pilgrims bathing in Sacred Well of the God Vishnu
Hindu Pilgrims bathing at sacred well at River Ganges

Man Singh Palace Gawaliar India covered with carved and enamled Tiles

 State Barge of H.H the Maharaja awaiting Kashmir


 Jians Women Wordhipiing at central Shrine Nemnath Temple

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