Thursday, January 30, 2020

The Begums of Bhopal

These Images are of The Feminine Rule in India of Begum of Bhopal.

Dost Mohammad Khan Bhopal founder of the Dynasty
Qudsia Begum.
 1876 stamp issued during the reign of Nawab Begum Shahjahan
 1908 one anna stamp of Bhopal State

Her Highness The Nawab of Bhopal

 A Nawab of Bhopal, 17-18th century
 Abida Begum Sultan, Princess of Bhopal
 An 1878 picture of Sultan Shah Jahan Begum (or possibly, her daughter).
 Begum Sultan Jahan leaving-her London hotel while attending the coronation ceremony of King George V in 1911
 Begum Sultan Jahan
 Bhopal Royal Family From left to right - Nawab Hamidullah Khan, his wife Maimoona Sultan, their daughters - Rabia Sultan, Abida Sultan, Sajida Sultan

 Nawabs of bhopal, c. 1630-1640

 Sikandar Begum
 Sultan Jahan Begum with son Nawab Hamidullah Khan.

 The Begum of Bhopal Sultan with her office executive and Viceroy of India India, 1921
 The Viceroy Lord Minto and the Vicereine with the Begum of Bhopal and her four grandsons 1907
Young Begum Sultan Jahan

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