Wednesday, January 8, 2020

Did Ghaffar Khan told Indians about Pakistan and Kashmir?

Ghaffar Khan alias Bacha khan was a Congress Party man who deeply supported for the North west frontier to be a Part of India.He strongly opposed the idea of Pakistan. There are some hidden facts which need to be researched before we comment.
The famous Indian writer  Narindar Singh Sarila wrote a Book Title 
"The untold Story of India Partition"

Image result for The untold story of india partition

Coming to the book here i post Page no 350 of The book.
“Yunus ( Mohd Yunus , nephew of Khan Abdul Gaffar Khan ) recounts that one day his uncle (Khan abdul Gaffar Khan) received a message from George Cunningham , Governor of NWFP, that one way to rehabilitate himself with Jinnah would be for Gaffar Khan to lead a tribal LASHKAR ( Militia ) ino Kashmir . Yunus says that he passed on the message to Pandit Brij Kishen Mohan , the teacher of Yuvraj karan singh( Son of maharaja Hari singh ) who conveyed it to Maharani .According to Yunus the Maharaja sent for him to get more details but prime Minister kak convinced Hari singh that Yunus was acting for the congress party and was trying to frighten him into acceding to INDIA, apart from releasing and making up with sheikh Mohd Abdullah . Much later ( 13th Dec 2002 ) when I enquired from Dr karan singh the veracity of the episode , he replied as under ,

I do recollect that such a message was passed on to Pt Brij Kishen Mohan and then to my mother who mentioned it to my father . If I remember correctly , Yunus and one of his cousins did call my father at the Ghulab Bhawan ( jammu ) although I am not sure what transpired in the meeting “

Image result for Ghaffar Khan with Nehru

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