Saturday, November 3, 2018

Shireen M. Mazari & Paranoid Delusions of Zionist Conspiracy

What are Paranoid Delusions?

Delusions are beliefs that are not backed up by reality. They may remain despite obvious evidence to the contrary, and the fact that nobody else believes them to be true. Paranoid Delusions are beliefs of a suspiscious nature, where the person believes something is not right with them, another person(s), or the world in general, which poses serious problems for them.
Shireen M. Mazari - Tehreek-e-Insaf's Spokesperson on Foreign Affairs [She was a close confidant of American Backed Military Dictator General Musharraf who appointed her as Director General of Institute of Strategic Studies from where she wrote in favour of Kargil Operation]
The fact is that as a Muslim country, our nuclear weapons cause discomfiture in the west and Israel plays on this. Recall the words attributed to the first leader of the Israeli state, Ben Gurion: "The world Zionist movement should not be neglectful of the dangers of Pakistan to it. And Pakistan now should be its first target, for this ideological state is a threat to our existence... this lover of the Arabs is more dangerous to us than the Arabs themselves

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