Saturday, November 24, 2018

The Joint Hero of India Pakistan Madan Lal Dhingra.

The Punjabi Revolutionary is a Joint Hero of India Pakistan.We also Demand that The Pakistan Nation Must be made aware of The Sacrifices Of The Joint Heroes and  Similarly Our History Books Should Mention

Sir Lord Cyrzon Wylie What a Shamaful Portrit Calling a Hero as Fanatic This is How The British Papers Media Vilified  Madan Lal Dhingra.

The Great Hero who made Indian House In London which was Later Canceled By the British. Shaymjee Krishna Verma who made The Hostel India House and Gave Scholarships To Indian Students.Veerjee Sarkar  and Hardyal and many others Stayed There

If The British Dont allow the Germans to Invade there Country Why Indians Should support The British Rule In India

Sir Manikshah Petit The Parsi baronet-2 The Father in Law of  Mohammad Ali Jinnah was also a Participant in London on 5th July 1909 to Condemn The Murder of Sir Curzon Wylie 

Madan Lal Dhingra Killed Sir  Curzon Wylie  on 1st July 1909

Madame Bhikajee Cawa was also a Indian Revolutionary

 Madan Lal Vohra was Disowned By His Family Hos Father Dr Gitta Mal Dis-owned Him and Removed The Dhingra Tag from There Family and Choose Lal His Brother  Biharilal Dhingra made a Appearence on 5th July at Caxton Hall in London Chaied By Agha Khan and Others  and Condemn the Act

The Trial of Madan Lal was Not Fair

Scene of Madan Lal Dhinga Killing Sir Curzon Wylie

The Trial Started on  23th July at Old Bailay
Dhingra made the following statement before the court:
I do not want to say anything in defense of myself, but simply to prove the justice of my deed. As for myself, no English law court has got any authority to arrest and detain me in prison, or pass sentence of death on me. That is the reason I did not have any counsel to defend me.
And I maintain that if it is patriotic in an Englishman to fight against the Germans if they were to occupy this country, it is much more justifiable and patriotic in my case to fight against the English. I hold the English people responsible for the murder of eighty millions of Indian people in the last fifty years, and they are also responsible for taking away ₤100,000,000 every year from India to this country. I also hold them responsible for the hanging and deportation of my patriotic countrymen, who did just the same as the English people here are advising their countrymen to do. And the Englishman who goes out to India and gets, say, ₤100 a month, that simply means that he passes a sentence of death on a thousand of my poor countrymen, because these thousand people could easily live on this ₤100, which the Englishman spends mostly on his frivolities and pleasures. Just as the Germans have no right to occupy this country, so the English people have no right to occupy India, and it is perfectly justifiable on our part to kill the Englishman who is polluting our sacred land. I am surprised at the terrible hypocrisy, the farce, and the mockery of the English people. They pose as the champions of oppressed humanity—the peoples of the Congo and the people of Russia—when there is terrible oppression and horrible atrocities committed in India; for example, the killing of two millions of people every year and the outraging of our women. In case this country is occupied by Germans, and the Englishman, not bearing to see the Germans walking with the insolence of conquerors in the streets of London, goes and kills one or two Germans, and that Englishman is held as a patriot by the people of this country, then certainly I am prepared to work for the emancipation of my Motherland. Whatever else I have to say is in the paper before the Court I make this statement, not because I wish to plead for mercy or anything of that kind. I wish that English people should sentence me to death, for in that case the vengeance of my countrymen will be all the more keen. I put forward this statement to show the justice of my cause to the outside world, and especially to our sympathizers in America and Germany.
I have told you over and over again that I do not acknowledge the authority of the Court, You can do whatever you like. I do not mind at all. You can pass sentence of death on me. I do not care. You white people are all-powerful now, but, remember, it shall have our turn in the time to come, when we can do what we like

Sir Agha Khan Chaired a Gathering in Caxton Hall on 5th July 1909 to Show Solidarity with Madn Lal When he announce That the Meetining Unanimously Condemn The Killing. Veersarkarjee  Stool up and said He Disagree He was Beaten His eyeglass Broken and He Bleaded.

 Guy Aldred, the printer of The Indian Sociologist, was sentenced to twelve months hard labor. The August issue of The Indian Sociologisthad carried a story sympathetic to Dhingra. Dhingra's actions also inspired some of the Irish, who were fighting their own struggle at the time.
Some modern historians[ claim that the trial was grossly unfair and biased. Dhingra was not given a defense counsel (though this was at his own request, in support of his contention that no British court had authority to try him), and the entire process was completed in a single day.Some legal expertsclaim that it was not the business of the court at the time to decide the time and location of execution

India House Made By Shyamjee Krishna Verma

Cawas Lalcaca a Parsi Doctor who was also Murdered By Madan Lal Dhingra as He Tried to Intervene 

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