Wednesday, November 28, 2018

Meet Marvia Malik First Transgender Anchor and Kim Sid First Transgender Actress

 Kohenoor News made history be being the first news channel to hire a transgender person as a news anchor when they signed on Marvia Malik. Marvia is a determined and ambitious girl who has a bachelor’s degree, is also currently working on her masters in arts degree. Malik has always been goal-oriented and has dreamt about being more than just a singer or dancer since she was a child.
Her main goal is to bring about change in the society for her community and raise awareness as well as work to get her people the rights they deserve. Pakistan has been sorely disappointing towards the transgender community as promises are made but never fulfilled. Marvia is here to change that and change the way people treat transgender people.

Kami Sid, Pakistan’s first transgender model, who’s also an ardent activist, has been making Waves  for the longest time.

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