Sunday, November 18, 2018

Nathuram Godsay and Veersarkar ? Why they Killed Gandhi.

How The World Responded to Mahatma Gandhi Assassination

The First Attempt on Mahatama Gandhi Life was Made By MadanLal Perhwa a Punjabi Refugee From Pakistan By Planting a Bomb Which was to Explode When Mahatma Gandhi was Supposed to Come. This was Done on 20th January 1948.The DIG Delhi D.W.Mehra Informed Gandhi That There can be a Second AttemptGandhi become Furious and Said My Rama will Protect me. and Refused Checking of People During the Prayer.

Nathuram Godse Fired 3 Rounds He was Named Nathuram because  He was Born after 3 of His Brothers Died and Thus He was Groomed Like a Girl  His actual name was Ramanath Thus he had Problems with His Personality.His Other 2 Partners one was Naryan Apte and The other was Digamber Badge who Latter on become the Witness He was supposed to Throw the 2nd Bomb when Gandhi was Alone.But he become Nervous and was Caught.he Testified against the Duo Nathoram Godse and Naryan Apte That They had Met veerjee Sarkar and upon whose advise The Murder was Committed.Later on Veerjee Sarkar rejected this and was Released.

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