USA Senators Blaming Pakistan? How Pakistan will response
Counterterrorism ,Oversight and Accountability Act on Afghanistan.
Senator Jim Risch of Republican Party in USA moved a Bill in Congress requiring Secretary of Defense along with Secretary of State in consultation with the Director of National Intelligence to prepare a report on the Causes of Taliban take-over in Afghanistan.
The Bill can be produced in any country but prior to investigation blaming and charging any country or group is a totally biased attempt as the same can be put by any other country on USA.
USA mollified intention to malign its long term ally.
Pakistan has always helped in the war on Terror being started by the USA and its allies providing Air-Space and sacrificing its own citizens but USA always double-crossed Pakistan and left us in time of Need.
Pakistan helped USA to defeat USSR and what it got in return is not a secret. The war on Terror was started by USA against the Taliban after 9/11 and Pakistan without conditions bowed to the Americans and as a result Lost 80,000 Precious Lives. Multiple Drone Attacks they carried in Pakistan .
How Pakistan helped USA for its peaceful withdrawal and Safe Evacuations.
Doha Agreement reached in Qatar was purely with help of Pakistan which helped the USA to safely evacuee from Afghanistan and after providing all assistance they are labeling Pakistan as un-safe and trying to impose restrictions
USA has a history of Notoriously leaving its ally's after there game is over although the Bill passed will leave multiple difficulties for Pakistan but a Stronger Pakistan will emerge after sometime as USA will be the loser .
How Pakistan responded to USA Moves.
Pakistan Human Rights Minister Shireen Mizari responded immediately and in her Tweet she mentioned categorially how Pakistan helped USA and how the USA establishment demanded Pakistan to release the Taliban leadership and placed them on Table.
20 years of presence by economically & militarily powerful US & NATO left behind chaos with no stable governance structures. Pak now being scapegoated for this failure. This was never our war; we suffered 80000 casualties, a disseated economy, over 450 drone attacks by r US "ally"
She also Tweeted.
Enough is enough. It is time for those powers who were present in Afghanistan to look to their own failures instead of targeting Pak which paid a heavy price in lives lost, social & econ costs, refugees - all for being an ally & suffering constant abuse, in a war that wasnt ours.
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