Saturday, April 25, 2020

30 Images of British Raj

 British Soldiers

 A Bombay (Mumbai) Drygoods Store – c1920’s

 A Doctor's Travelling Tent

 Advertisement for tents in the Headhunter's Annual (Calcutta) for 1930.

 An Elephant

 An Indian soldier leads away a Hindu rioter in a debris strewn street of Bombay (Mumbai) – 1946

 An officer of the Survey of India mapping in the Himalayas;

 An Young Woman in Sari, Rides Bicycle

 Chor Bazar – Bombay (Mumbai)

 Christmas card produced for members of the Junior Naval and Military Club; 1930s

 Dung is still a valuable resource

 English officer with his men, members of the Frontier Constabulary

 Indian sepoy (infantryman) and his wife

 Khidmatgor - Table Boy

 Kukri market in Calcutta ca 1945

 Life of leisure, massacre, extortion, servants, luxury, it is not surprising that some are nostalgic for that exploitative past.

 Madura Tailor Shop - Vintage Photograph 1920's

 Mahommedan Boatman of Bombay (Mumbai), 1855 – 1862

 Operations and fortifiations on the Frontier

 Operations and fortifiations on the Frontier1

 Portrait of Mohan Lal with His Camera

 Practice firing from the walls of a fort on the Northwest Frontie

 Private Begum Pasha Shah of the WAC (1) on duty in the Orderly Room of an RAF station in India, August 1943

 Rabindranath Tagore

 Snake charmer at Gateway of India, Bombay (Mumbai) - India, 1939

 The Birdseller from India; 19th Century.

 The Governor of Sind inspecting a canal project

 the sweeper, who maintained latrines and removed night soil

 The young Maharajah of Bastar with his British guardians

 The youthful Superintendent of the Hill States inspecting with local Indian officials;

Wife of Indian Political Service member visiting women of the royal family of a princely state under her husband's direction

Wife of an ICS officer on tour in Surat

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