Monday, December 2, 2019

The Charlie Wilson War What Price Pakistan paid?

The So called proxy war being sponsored by the Americans with buying Pakistan top class military beuracracy
The war started with the Soviets landing in Afghanistan the Annexing alarmed American who thought it might spread to the whole Asia falling in hands of the Soviet Union
They were lucky enough as adjoining Afghanistan the Pakistan Military dictator General Zia ul Haq was facing huge resistance after a successful coup against the most popular leader Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto
 He hanged Bhutto in 1979 almost the time co- incided with the sad event in Pakistan 
Americans find it a golden opportunity and they shifted all weight in Zia Ul Haq basket
They provided the Americans what they never dreamed 
The Fall of the Soviet Union
The Fall of the Berlin Wall
They funnel all ammunation as well as Dollars to push into Afghanistan
The man they used was Charlie Wilson who along with Joanne Herring played there cards become closer to Zia Up Haq

They provided the mujhaideen with Stinger Missiles

They are Considered as Heroes of USA

The Pakistan nation will one day realize how much they damaged Pakistan

This is at Par with Lawrence of Arabia
Charlie Wilson is The Lawrence of Pakistan. The man throws Pakistan where they cannot recover

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