Monday, December 2, 2019

Branding A British Born As Pakistani terrorist is this Fair?

Pakistan is a country that offered the West the Freedom they can not Get
We fought a long war which eventually have drained all our resources we lost around 95000 lives our economy suffered a massive setback
What we get in return we lost everything monetrly as well we lost our dignity

The recent act of A man whose ancestors moved from Pakistan to abroad and finally settled there his name Is Mohammed Usman a pure British born with no Pakistan connection

He was a terrorist who was involved in planning to bomb London Stockexchange

He was released on bail last year
He carried another attack he killed 2 Britishers by stabbing them with a knife as well as injuring 3 he was having a hoax jacket he claimed to have bomb

Police shot him dead as soon as his identity was known people started branding him as a terrorist of  Pakistani origin
He was affiliated with a terrorist organisation" Al muhajreen" He was fighting for the cause of Kashmir and he was trying to set up a camp in Azad Kashmir

But why to brand anyone with a label when his ancestors moved long ago
Pakistan has nothing related to the Terrorist

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