Sunday, March 24, 2019

Should we Ban Jamaat-e-Islami in Pakistan?

Jamaat-e-Islami and there Deep Roots in spreading Hatred in Pakistan

.The Idea of Pakistan was Given by Sir Allama Iqbal and was Implemented by Quaid Azam Mohammad Ali Jinnah.
The Jamaat-e-Islami never supported The Idea of Creation of Pakistan Firstly They attacked the Secular Ideology of The New-State as desired by the Founder,

They used to call Quaid-Azam as Kafir Azam.They opposed the Creation of Pakistan but once the New Nation was born They become its Self Custodian by Threatening its Core Policy and Turning into a Fascist Party.

There Hatred towards The Ahmadi Minorities is not a New Phenomena.They Opposed The Great Foreign Minister Sir Zafarullah Khan due to His Association and Acceptance of the Ahmadi Community.
The Foreign Minister Sir Zafarullah khan is Highly esteemed by The Saudis as well as Palestine.This is very Interesting that Jamaat-e-islami draws its major Funding from Saudi Arabia.

The Nation was going very Well and Ayub Khan was the First person to realize there double standards and He Arrested Jamaat-e-Islami Founder Maulana Abul Ala Maududi and sentenced him to Death which was revoked under Pressure from Saudi Arabia.
Then Jamaat islami associated itself with The Notorious Yahya Khan and They made him as Hero and Saviour of Islam.
The Role of Jamaat-e-Islami in East Pakistan now Bangladesh is very Bad.They Formed the Notorious Al-Shams and Al-Badr which did a Lot of Atrocities which resulted in a Bad Image of The Military.
Bangladesh also become a Role Model once they Cracked on Jamaat-e-Islami and sentenced Them to Death.

The Notorious Branch of Jamaat-e-Islami Student Wing is another Branch that does not Allow Basant and Mix Gatherings and Valentine Days.
There Goons have Killed Thousands of People in Pakistan.
All Corrupt Leaders come from Jamaat The Prominent are Hussain Haqqani and Javed Hashmi.
The Bottom Line is if Pakistan has to become Secular Modern State they Must Ban Jamaat-e-Islami

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