Thursday, September 19, 2019

WikiLeak-Mumbai Attack and Pakistan Role to Stop Attacks

Wiki-Leaks is a world Renowned Authentic source of Leaked Cables relating to American Embassies world over and there Correspondence.
In a Very Interesting Cable By Anne-Peterson to USA Government back which was cabled prior to The Famous Mumbai Attacks In 2008.
These Attacks were on 26th November 2008. While in the Cable The ISI Pakistan Chief Met Anne-Peterson requesting her to arrange a meeting between Raw and ISI
ISI Chief Conveyed to Anne-Peterson The American Ambassador in Pakistan That He General Shuja Pasha has met Mossad Israel Personal in Muscat Oman of a Likely Attack on Israeli in India in September to November 2008.
Anne Peterson Arranged a Meeting of ISI and Raw in UAE. Ahmad Shuja Pasha ISI Head told his Indian Counter-Part about The Possible Attack.
RAW took it Lightly and thought this was False-Flag and ignored the Pre-Attack Information.
When this happened the Indian Government put Blame on Pakistan as Usual.
But they could not respond as they were duly Informed Via America.

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