Thursday, September 19, 2019

Hamid-Mir Khalid Khawaja Mansoor Ijaz and The Story of Mir Connections.

Did Hamid Mir Leaked Video-Call to someone in India(which some say was to Atal Bihari Vajpayee become the reason for the Murder of Khalid Khawaja.
The Story starts when Daniel Pearl an American Journalist call on Mansoor Ijaz a Pakistani born American with Strong connection in the USA.
The Indians tipped Daniel about Mansoor Ijaz connections with the Extremist. Mansoor Tipped of 3 Important Figures one was Shaheen Sibahi The other Khalid Khawaja
Daniel Pearl comes to Pakistan and got Killed.
The Mysterious Call from India By Hamid Mir Led to the Murder of Khalid Khawaja. Taliban called him at a Secret-Place and Killed Him.
As per Hamid Mir Talk, Khalid Khawaja was working for Cia Thus
Mansoor Ejaz
Shaheen Sabhai
Mir Shakil Ur Rahman
Hamid Mir Secret Talk with someone in India (Indians reported this to be Atal Bihari Vajpayee)
Khalid Khawaja
Daniel Pearl

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