Tuesday, April 30, 2019

!5 Pictures From Pakistan History

The Founder vacationing with his sister
Zulfikar Ali Bhutto around the time he was appointed a Central Minister in 1958
Prime Minister Benazir Bhutto and spouse Asif Ali Zardari on a TV show in Washington DC, 1994
 Air Vice Marshal Asghar Khan presenting the PAF crest to King Zahir Shah as President Iskander Mirza looks on, 1958
 Begum Naheed Iskander Mirza
 Election results being compiled in PTV
 Faiz Ahmed Faiz with his family and friends
 Foreign Minister Sir Zafrulla Khan with some journalists
 Foreign Minister Z A Bhutto with the Russian Ambassador to the UN
 Lee Radziwill - Jackie Kennedy's sister - passes away at 85 - seen here with Bashir the camel driver during the early sixties
 Naheed Niazi and Najma Niazi enjoying an exotic drink somewhere in the Far East
 President Ayub Khan disembarking the aircraft at London
 President Iskander Mirza listening to a poem of Allama Iqbal in a Middle Eastern school

 Prince Philip enjoying tea in the Shalimar Gardens with West Pakistan Governor Akhter Husain, A. K. Fazlul Haq and Central Ministers Muhammad Hafizur Rahman and Z. A. Bhutto, 1959

Zulfikar Ali Bhutto attending a lunch with journalists in Birmingham, 1969

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