Tuesday, March 6, 2018

Can India Beat Pakistan?

India Pakistan are always Fighting Since Pakistan was Created.The Real Tension between India Pakistan is From the Land now known as Pakistan.Bengal had always a Soft Corner For India since they were included in Pakistan.
India comprises of  80% Hindu Community.The Real issue is That in the Sub-Continent 95% Muslims are Converted From Hinduism They are the Sons of The Soil thus Not as Perceived By the Hindus That they Migrated From Arab. This Philosophy is entirely Rubbish.
When you talk about Pakistan always Remember They are Upper Class and have Since Centuries Ruled India.
85% of The Population that Converted in Pakistan of Today are the Sons and Daughters of Brahmin 
Brahmin are the Superior Race. and This will not be Possible to Fight with People Like This who are Very Superior in war-Fare 

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