Friday, February 17, 2023

Incredible Afghanistan | Afghanistan Before Taliban | Fall of Taliban | America Versus Taliban | Taliban and women's

 Afghanistan has a rich and complex history that spans thousands of years. The region that is now Afghanistan has been inhabited by various tribes and peoples throughout its history, and has been an important crossroads for trade and culture between Central Asia, South Asia, and the Middle East.

Afghan Ad

Afghan prince 1900

Amir of Afghanistan, Habibullah Khan - Visit to Peshawar 1905

British and Afghan leaders meet to sign the Treaty of Gandamak in 1879, ending part of their long conflict

Dauod Khan and Khan Abdul Ghaffar Khan

Gul Mast Khan (a Zakha Khel Afridi) by the order of the Viceroy and the Governor-General of India, in recognition of the assistance rendered by him to the Civil authorities in dealing with the gang of Ajab Khan Afridi

King amanullah

mir Abdul Rahman khan king of Afghanistan

Najib Ullah

Sardar Sultan Mohammad Khan, brother of Amir Dost Mohammad Khan

Shah Mahmud Khan, and Zahir Shah

Sher Ali Khan and one of his favourite sons, Sardar abdulajan

Zahir Shah with his daughter Maryam and her husband

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