Sunday, November 20, 2022

Vintage Images India

 The Interesting images from British Era

c.1880s India - busy road & river bridge possibly Bangalore

c.1880s India - European couple with pony and trap, horse an

c.1890 India - British army officers - polo team

C.1890s India - pony and trap hackney carriage cab

c. 1880s India - group of European women, classical pose

Carriage drawn by oxen, gharry or gharrie, India

Festival procession car with carved statue, India

Gypsy Dancing girl, India

India - European man with a pony and trap

India - Jats, Shepherd and Robertson, 1860s

India - the Maharajah of Nabha 1860s

People around a cremation funeral pyre, India

Pony and trap and servants, British India

State Elephant of Baroda, India

Woman in carrying chair, sedan, litter, with porters, India

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